Alaska auto insurance laws are amongst the most stringent in the United States, a fact not lost on the state’s citizens. However harsh these laws may appear, ultimately they are intended to ensure the safety of all road users. The purpose of these laws, therefore, isn’t to be punitive, but rather to keep citizens on the road safe in all eventualities. That’s why every vehicle must be insured and proof of insurance must be offered at the scene of every accident in the state.
According to Alaska auto insurance requirements, every driver must have a currently active liability insurance policy at all times. This applies whether the vehicle is being operated on a street, highway or public property. The only exceptions to the insurance requirements are off-highway vehicles, areas where registration is not required and non-registered non-operational vehicles.
The minimum coverage required under Alaska auto insurance laws is the highest in the nation. Every driver must carry coverage of at least $50,000 for injury or death to any person, $100,000 for total injuries or deaths per accident and $25,000 for property damage. The rates are set at a high level to minimize the number of lawsuits that tend to follow accidents.
As in most states, drivers are required to provide proof of insurance at particular times. In Alaska, this includes any time you are involved in an accident or any time you are pulled over by a police officer and asked for proof of insurance. Failure to provide adequate proof can result in a range of penalties depending on your driving history.
According to Alaska auto insurance requirements, failure to provide proof of insurance can result in immediate suspension of your driver’s license and the period of suspension can range from 90 days to 12 months, depending on your previous record. The more times you are issued a motor vehicle liability insurance, or MLI, violation, the longer the suspension.
Along with the license suspension, drivers can also be charged a fine for MLI violations. A first violation carries up to a $500 fine and any subsequent violation can carry up to a $1,000 fine or a 6-months driver’s license suspension or both. As with other areas of Alaska’s insurance laws, the penalties are particularly austere in order to ensure the safety of all road users.
Under Alaska auto insurance laws, owners of new cars with outstanding loans must also carry full coverage insurance. Full coverage insurance is also required on all rental cars. If you do not have collision coverage for a rental car, your insurance company is required to offer it in order to mitigate any physical damage to the car.
Alaska does not take the idea of auto insurance lightly and neither should you as a driver. It is therefore in your best interest to ensure that you are covered for any eventuality. You should not take risks with your life or those of other drivers. Put safety first with a full coverage auto insurance plan for complete peace of mind.